今天遇到 harbor 所在的 linux 无法正常启动,进入就进了安全恢复模式: 尝试方式: lvm 重建。证明没有用。 1.https://www.jianshu.com/p/8f83e2a67009 之前尝试通过 centos 的启动盘进入到 rescue 模式进行修复; 参考文档: grub2 重建后没有解决问题。 https://thunderysteak.github.io/rebuild-initramfs-centos 在以下这个文档 https://wiki.sqlfans.cn/it/it-vmware-emerygency.html 提示我用 ubuntu 的桌面版去挂载修复,但是效果不好,最后还是 centos 的启动盘好用, 因为提示/dev/mapper/centos-root 不存在,所以重建了 fastab 采用以下方式: https://blog.csdn.net/A_1013/article/details/49232095 LinuxCentOS7 关于 PV neme 券显示[unknown]问题 https://blog.csdn.net/Insupport/article/details/116033155 通过创建 pv 解决设备找不到的问题。
xfs_repair 修复问题 https://www.cnblogs.com/zisefeizhu/p/12575996.html centos7 启动流程文档: https://www.cnblogs.com/diantong/p/10745372.html
输入命令:xfs_repair -v -L /dev/dm-0
(In this example ) from dracut shell the following lvm command repairs LVM state and its output shows problem was that one of the lvm disk (sdb) was incorrectly removed from LVM. 通过这个获取到磁盘,提示 xfs_repair 修复 sda
- As the proxy root backup the lvm.conf file .
- Edit the /etc/lvm/lvm.conf, look for existing “filter” line and change to the following
- Verify the new filter setting is set by running this command
才使得不再报错/dev/mapper/centos 不存在。