昨天安装了一天的 docker-compose 拉起 es8 集群,结果尝试多种方式,启动的 es 总是 red 状态。找问题的方向,一直纠结于 security-7 not primary index。查询各种 google 也无法解决,后来,晚上通过 docker 单独安装 es8,返现是因为磁盘空间不够,造成的 disk hig watermark,会造成集群 red 的
You can see the settings you have applied with this command:
GET _cluster/settings
If they are not appropriate, you can modify them using a command such as below:
Note: Threshold can be specified both as percentage and byte values, but the former is more flexible and easier to maintain (in case different nodes have different disk sizes, like in hot/warm deployments).
参考文档: https://opster.com/guides/elasticsearch/capacity-planning/elasticsearch-high-disk-watermark/